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6. Tariff, Taxes and Charges

6.1 Tariff 

Tariff is payable only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin, to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise expressly stated. Tariff does not include ground transport service between airports or between airport terminals.

The Tariff payable by a Customer is calculated in accordance with SeaFlite’s Tariff in effect, on the date/time of payment for a Booking. Tariff payable by Customer to SeaFlite per Booking per Sector includes the following components:

1.     Basic fare, charged by SeaFlite,

2.     GST and other taxes imposed by the Government,

3.     Charges imposed by SeaFlite, including fuel charge,

4.     Charges for add-on services, if any availed by the Customers,

5.     Fees and charges imposed by the Government and airports, including UDF, ASF & development fee (DF) etc.,

6.     Common User Terminal Equipment (“CUTE”) and

7.     Service fees or any other fee, if any, charged by SeaFlite.

The aforesaid components of Tariff may undergo a change at any time, without prior notice.

Any change in the Booking or dates of travel, may result in a change in the applicable Tariff to be paid.

SeaFlite offers various Tariff Types including Promotional fares to Customers which provides for various offers for Checked-in Baggage allowance, Hand Baggage allowance, fees for changing or cancelling the Booking and other terms and conditions including the requirement to display additional proof of identity by Customers. Such Tariff Types can be accessed by clicking here . The terms and conditions in relation to Tariff Types shall be an integral part of the Conditions of Carriage and are incorporated here by reference. However, if a Booking is made on such Tariff, except to the extent specified in the additional terms and conditions specified for such Tariff, the Booking shall be subject to the Conditions of Carriage.

SeaFlite offers Tariff on a one-way basis. However, certain Tariff Types including Promotional Airfares determined and offered by SeaFlite require a round-trip Itinerary and once purchased do not allow partial cancellation of the Itinerary. Customers should refer to detailed terms and conditions attached to Tariff at time of making the Booking.

All classes of Tariffs are determined and quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) and may be subject to change without any notice. Once purchased the Tariff will not change after completion of a Booking, however if a Customer requests for a change in his/her Booking, revised Tariff may be applicable to the changed Booking.

Fuel charges may vary depending on the Sector, the date of Booking, and the actual date of travel.

CUTE charges (inclusive of GST) are levied on Customers, for every Sector, at selected airports, for usage ofCUTE services.

6.2 Taxes, Fees and Charges 

The amount of applicable taxes including GST, fees or charges payable by a Customer, are calculated as on the date of the Booking. If there is a change in an existing tax, fee or charge, or a new tax, fee or charge is imposed, after the date of Booking, a Customer will not be obliged to pay any additional amount (in case of an increase) or be entitled to get any refund (in case of any decrease), unless the Customer decides to change the date of travel which requires a change in his Booking or re-booking. A Customer may also be required to pay additional tax, fee or charge (including Airport Charges) after completion of a Booking, if such amount is required to be paid to a Regulatory Authority in relation to the Booking, pursuant to any change in applicable law.

SeaFlite shall collect a non- refundable Convenience fee, as mentioned at the link set out here , per person per Sector for all Bookings made through SeaFlite’s website. Such fee is collected by SeaFlite for establishing, maintaining and operating the online flight booking system that enables Customers to make Bookings. Such fee includes the charges paid by SeaFlite to concerned banks (varies from one bank to another) for availing such facility.

SeaFlite shall collect a booking fee per Customer per Sector as applicable for all bookings made from the SeaFlite’s call centre and airport ticketing counter.

SeaFlite shall collect a fee per page for Customers who request for a physical copy of their Itinerary at SeaFlite’s airport reservation counters. For more details on such fees click here

SeaFlite may also offer certain other services to Customers, from time to time, for which additional Fees may be charged by SeaFlite.

6.3 Currency 

For the convenience of Customers, fares, applicable taxes, fees, and charges are also payable in the currency chosen by a Customer or a Travel Agent while making a Booking. A Customer or a Travel Agent can choose only from the options of currencies provided by SeaFlite. Please note that the amount of Tariff and other fees & charges in some currencies (other than INR) are fixed by SeaFlite, and may not be equivalent to the amount obtained after converting such amounts in INR at the exchange rate applicable at the time of Booking.

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